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1hr Reiki Treatment :



What is Reiki?


Reiki is the "spiritually guided life force energy." Reiki is based on the belief that when spiritual energy is channeled through a reiki practitioner, the patient's spirit is healed, which in turn heals the physical body.





It’s non invasive.

There is Limited touch involved.

I work down the seven chakras and any other key points I’m drawn to.

It can help relieve anxiety, depression etc.

When your energies become unaligned it can also cause physical discomfort such as gut problems, cysts, migraines etc. so I  guide that light in the areas that need it most.

There are so many wonderful benefits from reiki.

Feel free to message me with any questions.



Reiki can give you relief in all aspects of your wellbeing! 


*Relieves headaches

*Reduce blood pressure

*Helps bring balance to digestive system

*relieve body aches 


*Improves mental clarity

*Reduces Anxiety & Depression

*Promotes better sleep

*Remove Blocks

*Increase focus

And so much more!

Message me with any



"...Today is Sunday and I have to say since I left her Friday, I have felt so

even. I feel so much more balanced,

self assured and peaceful..." -JC.

"I had my first Reiki Session today and it by far exceeded my expectations...."-A.E.

"Tina performed my first Reiki session earlier today and it was an emotional, amazing experience. .."-A.W.

Visit Third Eye's Facebook to read full reviews!

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Are You Currently Active in a Recovery Program? 

If you are active in AA or NA please contact me for separate pricing.

I believe in you and your power to Heal. I also believe that Reiki is a great tool to help you along the way.

I know the road to recovery can be a tough one so I wanted to make sure that 

Third Eye Artistry makes the power of Reiki accessible to those in need


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